A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

As a former general who has lost the entire family to the Kingdom's conspiracy, you have also been executed and your soul is now sent to Hell for all the lives you have taken in the past. Yet, the God of the Hell, Hades, sympathizes with your story and offers your a chance to challenge the Tower of Babel to reach the Heaven, where your family is waiting for you. With the blade and grappling hook Hades equips you, you shall defeat the gatekeepers at all levels of Tower of Babel to see your family once more.


TowerOfBabel_Windows.zip 293 MB
TowerOfBabel_Mac.zip 307 MB

Install instructions

1. The game runs on Windows/Mac platforms

2. Download the zip file corresponding to your platform and unzip.

3. Run Tower of Babel executable to play.

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